deKay's Lofi Gaming

Fallout 3 (360)

GNR Relay dish GET! So many Super Mutants and Super Mutant Brutes to kill both in the museum and on the run to the Washington Monument! And then I found a barracks, full of brutes, so I ran away. I’m on Level 8 now too. Still loving it!

Fallout 3 (360)

Today I managed to make it to the Galaxy News radio tower, where I had to see off a giant super mutant outside it, before being given a quest by Three Dog to go to a museum. Took aaaaages to get there, mainly because I kept getting lost in the metro system. And, when I did get to the museum, I found a million super mutants waiting outside. They took some taking down! I’ve played for about 14 hours now, …

The Fallout 3 Addiction

It’s happening all over again. It’s Oblivion once more. And, even though Fallout 3 has the OCD-factor turned way down in comparison (there’s no alchemy, no stat grinding, etc.) there’s still waaaay too much to get me hooked. Like gun collection. And paranoid constant equipment repair. And having to speak to everyone and try every possible conversation permutation. And unnecessary, self-imposed inventory management. It’s all horribly, horribly addictive. I’ve played about 14 hours in less than three days. And the …

Fallout 3 (360)

Oh, it’s just like Oblivion all over again! It’s impossible to stop playing! Nooooo! Today, where I only played for four hours, I managed to find Lucy West’s Brother, went exploring a lot, and started making my way over to the Galaxy News radio tower. Found the Metro entrance you need to take to get there. There was a raider waiting outside, so I shot at him with my hunting rifle. My first shot missed, but hit the car he …

Fallout 3 (360)

I’ve been waiting for this for what seems like forever. Forever since Oblivion, anyway. It’s like every other game between Oblivion and Fallout 3 has existed solely to pass the time. Anyway, I’ve spend five hours game-time (but actually, longer – read on) already today. That’s a lot for me. Addicted? Of course not. Honest. I’m really, really enjoying it. The opening sequence in the vault was brilliant. I redid a bit of the escape as I didn’t manage to …

Fallout: New Vegas: Lonesome Road (360): COMPLETED!

That’s it! That’s the entire set of New Vegas stories completed. Sure, there are still some sidequests, and yeah, I have a few unvisited markers on my Mojave map, but that’s pretty much the game sewn up. Aces. I was really close to the end of Lonesome Road, needing only to work through a few rooms and then meet up with the other courier. I think perhaps fighting him was on the cards, but I talked him round and now …

Fallout: New Vegas: Lonesome Road (360)

It would appear my time in the Mojave Wasteland is coming to an end. Lonesome Road is the final story-based DLC for New Vegas, and the two other DLC packs (Courier’s Stash and Gun Runner’s Arsenal) don’t add a great deal. I’m also now a Level 48 character, with all bar Unarmed and Melee stats at max, and SPECIAL pretty much all 8/9/10, I’m almost done. Having said that, I’ve still the Gun Runner’s achievements to do, and I’ve got …

Fallout: New Vegas: Honest Hearts (360): COMPLETED!

Although this is, in theory, supposed to be played before Old World Blues, I played it afterwards. The main reason being, lots of people have been saying it’s terrible, and the worst of all the New Vegas DLC. I wasn’t really looking forwards to it as a result. But guess what? Everyone is wrong except me. It was excellent. Sure, it’s shorter than some other DLC (about 6 hours or so), but I can’t really fault it. The story was …

Fallout: New Vegas: Old World Blues (360): COMPLETED!

What a fantastic return to the bombed out future of America this was! I had a hankering for some more Fallout, perhaps spurred by news about the next DLC which is out soon, combined with the hype of the impending Skyrim release. I decided on this add-on rather than Honest Hearts as reviews have been more favourable for Old World Blues, and it also seemed less dreary and downbeat. And it was AWESOME. It’s hilarious, for a start. Dr Klein …

Fallout: New Vegas: Dead Money (360): COMPLETED!

Now you see, I wasn’t going to buy the first lot of DLC for New Vegas for two reasons. One, I thought I’d give another game a chance, and two, if Oblivion and Fallout 3 are anything to go by then it’ll come down in price in a few months. Of course, since when has saying I’m not going to buy something ever meant anything? Of course I bought it the day it was available. And today I completed it. …

Fallout: New Vegas (360): COMPLETED YET AGAIN!

After spending an hour or two learning the rules of Caravan and then rinsing No-Bark Noonan of all his caps, I got the Win 3 and 30 Games of Caravan achievements. That left me with 4 achievements – one for getting banned from all the casinos on the strip, one for completing the game in Hardcore Mode, and the remaining two for the two final NCR quests. So, after almost 100 hours total play, I finally completed New Vegas the …

Fallout: New Vegas (360)

Achievement unlocked! Managed to finally get 50 Star Caps today, then went and traded them in with Festus, failing the quest. Seems you need to fail the quest though, as there’s another (very short) quest afterwards that nets you the achievement. Just 5 achievements left now: two for playing Caravan, two for completing the NCR “win”, and one for a Hardcore run of the game.

Fallout: New Vegas (360)

Since last time I posted, this has been the game I’ve spent most time on. In fact, aside from Cave Story and a few iOS titles, it’s the only thing I’ve played. And I’ve played it lots. Still playing the same game, almost daily, nigh-on two months after release? That’s value for money – even if I did pay over £60 for it. What have I done since my last Fallout post then? Lots of things, actually. I’ve been and …

Fallout: New Vegas (360): COMPLETED! AGAIN! AND AGAIN!

That’s right folks – since last time I posted I’ve completed the game again. Twice. Naturally, I didn’t start again from scratch, just from a point a few hours prior to my last completion (the joys of multiple save files!). I then went off and completed it both for the Legion as well as for Mr. House. Then, after that, I spent a merry half an hour from an even earlier save sneaking round Gomorrah with my stealth boy, pickpocketing …

Fallout: New Vegas (360): COMPLETED!

With 53 hours on the clock, I stumbled into the wrong questline and completed Fallout: New Vegas. You see, there are four main endings, one of which I disabled a fair few hours ago when I bumped off Mr. House. A second, siding with Caesar’s Legion was thrown away when I decided to get chummy with the NCR. I’d intended to carry the NCR route to the end, but I chose the wrong option somewhere and couldn’t be bothered to …