deKay's Lofi Gaming

Fallout: New Vegas (360)

30 hours in now. This game just gets better and better. I expected it to be good, sure, but little did I know it’d actually be better than Fallout 3 was. There’s more variety, in both the quests and the way in which you complete them. There are fewer “shoot people” quests and more “do interesting things” quests. There are more memorable characters, even those who are incidental – Yes Man, Betsy, Keely, Old Ben, The King – all ace. …

Fallout: New Vegas (360)

I’d not been this excited about a game’s release since Sonic 2 for the Megadrive was announced. I’ve been looking forward to it since it was announced two years ago. I’ve had it on pre-order for months. I even broke the £20 Rule to get the Special Edition. But was it worth it?  By hell, yes it was. At first glance, it seems to just been like an expansion pack for Fallout 3. It’s not, but even if it was, …

Fallout: New Vegas (Steam Deck): COMPLETED!

How kind of Amazon to give this away for free just after I’d played Fallout 3 which was also given away for free! Like with Fallout 3, I wanted to play this as A Bad Man, but actually, I didn’t. Well, not entirely. You see, I wasn’t really a big fan of all the factions in New Vegas, not least because none of them were truly “good”: The NCR wanted control and land, Caesar’s Legion wanted slaves and loved to …

Fallout 4 (PS4): COMPLETED!

Crawl out through the fallout, baby When they drop that bomb Crawl out through the fallout, baby With the greatest of aplomb Crawl out through the Fallout back to me! Oh yes. Fallout is BACK and I’ve bloody loved it. Fallout 3 and New Vegas were two of my favourite games from the last generation of consoles, and two of the most played. As soon as Fallout 4 was announced, I bought a PS4 so I’d have something to play …

Mega Man X3 (Wii U): COMPLETED!

I’ve been playing this off and on since completing Mega Man X2 way back when. Not because I don’t like it, just because I kept forgetting it was there to play. Over the last week I’ve made a more concerted effort to finish it off (much like with Wario Land, actually) as I’m trying to complete a load of games I’ve not reached the end of yet in preparation for when Fallout 4 arrives. Clear my plate, if you will. …

Dishonoured (PS3)

Several years ago, I played a demo of this at the Eurogamer Expo. It reminded me a lot of Bioshock, which I loved, and gameplay wise sat halfway between that and Assassin’s Creed, which I also love. I knew I was going to have to buy it. For various reasons, I never got round to it. Then, a little while back, it got added to PS+ and I thought I’d finally give it a go. And it’s been fantastic. I …

Skyrim (360)

Unlike previous Bethesda RPG titles for the 360, which I had to get IMMEDIATELY, even paying through the nose for the special editions (£70 for Fallout New Vegas? YES.), I couldn’t warrant the £120 the Skyrim special edition was. Especially since the vanilla versions of all the other games were down to £15 two or three months after release. I was still excited, though, even if the price barely dropped. And so it came to pass, that last week I …

de Blob 2 (360): COMPLETED!

With Back to the Future out of the way (at least until Telltale decide to actually release the next one) I returned to de Blob 2, which I was previously about a quarter of the way through. It’s really very good. It improves over the first game in several areas, mainly with fewer required “paint these building specific colours” missions, and some great 2D platforming sections. The fact that you can save after any checkpoint is a big improvement too, …

Bioshock 2 (360)

Since completing Lego Indiana Jones 2, Bioshock 2 is pretty much the only game I’ve played. I’ve not played it terribly far in, either, having only picked up the film camera about an hour’s play ago, and I’ve only just finished the Sinclair Hotel bit. I don’t know how far that puts me through the game, but if I assume the train line map is an indication, then perhaps a quarter? Things I’m liking so far: It’s Bioshock. Mostly. Only …

Super Demotastic Game Demo Roundup (360)

Since Fallout 3 and A Kingdom for Keflings, I’ve not really made a proper start on any other games. I’ve downloaded a played a fair few demos this week, however: Are You Smarter Than A 5th Grader?Apparently not, as I failed at £25,000. Even though my 5th Grader helper didn’t get the answer either, so therefore she was as thick as me. The question was about baseball, so it isn’t surprising I didn’t know what the answer was. And what …