deKay's Lofi Gaming

Touch My Katamari (Vita): COMPLETED!

In a sale a few months ago, Touch My Katamari dropped to about £18. I was very tempted to buy it but the only thing stopping me was a full Vita memory card. By the time my 64GB card arrived, it wasn’t on sale any more and I’d a billion other things to play anyway. This week, I spotted it for £3.29 on PSN, and, with my credit I’d bought for 20% discount, nabbed it for around £2.60. Bargain! Or …

2005 Entries

Invade-o-Trons from Planet Q Paul E. Collins Starglider’s Review: Claims to be the worst Space Invaders clone ever made, and I would be quite ready to agree. it even tells you that there is an error that occurs quite often.BUT… it does play, and error aside, it is possible to play. Still, it is an awful game! 6/10 Dunny’s Review: This is a BASIC port of the classic 70’s smash, “Space Invaders”. And what a mind-numbingly great port it is too. …

SteamWorld Dig (3DS): COMPLETED!

First game of 2014 to be completed! Woo! I was a big fan of the 360 indie game Miner Dig Deep, and many years ago loved Diggers on the Acorn and Amiga, and it was my enjoyment of those two games that made me want SteamWorld Dig. The stars aligned and I was given some eShop credit just as this was on offer, and so I snapped it up. I’m glad I did. It’s very much in the same vein …

Earthbound (Wii U)

I’ve never played Earthbound before. That’s not really surprising, as it never came out in the UK, and I wasn’t that much of a SNES gamer anyway – certainly not to the point of wanting to import US games. I didn’t really know that much about the game either, apart from that it was an RPG, set in roughly the modern day, in a relatively “normal” setting, and was absurd. And had Ness from Super Smash Bros in it. Or …

Hethersett 30/60

Time for an update on my Adventures in Cycling, I think. Mainly because I completed the Hethersett 30/60 (er, the 30 rather than the 60) at the weekend. Firstly, my stats. I’m not doing as well as last year. My Enormous Geek Cycling Spreadsheet of Awesome Numbers tracks my miles and cross-checks it against how I was doing at this time last year, and the sums say that at the moment, I’m 51 miles down. Thankfully, that’s redeemable and with …

Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask (3DS): COMPLETED

I was pretty sure I’d posted on my diary about this already, back in November when I started playing it, but it seems not. Back then, I got to around half-way into the story, and aside from occasionally popping back on to do the latest downloadable puzzles, I hadn’t touched it once my Wii U arrived. After completing (and boy, did I complete it) New Super Mario Bros 2, I went back to Layton. It took me a few minutes to recall …

The Pound-a-Mile Challenge 2012 – Final Scores

With 2012 at an end, and 2013 begun, it’s time to look back at how my cycling/game spending hybrid challenge went. Surprisingly well, as it turned out. My original plan was to cycle 900 miles in the year, to cover my expected game expenditure at a rate of one pound for every mile cycled. Hence the name “Pound-a-Mile”. I hit this early, and extended the target to 1000 miles, and then again to 1250. As of the 31st December, I’d …

Batman: Arkham City (PC)

No, that isn’t a mistake up there. Nor an April Fool, despite the date. I really did say “PC”. Technically, it’s a Mac, but under Windows. Anyhoo. With a machine capable of playing it, and an offer of Arkham City for £11.60 (when the 360 version is still £20+), and a promise that you can just use a 360 controller and plug it into a TV, I was tempted enough to get it. And yes, all those things work. I’ll …

Stuff I’ve played recently

A roundup of some of the games I’ve been playing in the last couple of weeks: Pullblox (3DS) Completed this a while back, but have gone back to finish some of the bonus levels that you unlock, and some of the user generated ones I’ve found strewn across the internets. It’s still lovely. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (360) Returned to mop up a few more achievements and actually play some of the side missions and games I’d totally missed. There are …

No business like crow business

No apologies for the very poor pun in the title. It was business involving crows. And there’s really nothing like it. Last year, we heard scratching in our (bricked up) chimney. About a week later, the scratching stopped. Whatever had fallen in had either died or escaped, but we didn’t know what it was at the time. A bird? A mouse? A dog? OK, probably not a dog. About three weeks after the scratching stopped, we noticed a few bluebottles …

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)

Many moons ago, when the Wii came out, Twilight Princess was released. And I bought it. Even though I knew I probably would never complete it, as despite my best intentions, I’ve never managed to finish a 3D Zelda game. 2D – fo’ sho. But 3D? For some reason I just… stop playing. With Twilight Princess, I stopped at an hour in. Not for any real reason – I just never went back. Until now. I played it, from the …

All sorts of things (Wii)

I’ve been playing quite a few different things on my Wii today: CubelloI’m up to level 6 (although I’ve not done all of the lettered variants on previous levels) now, and although I can get it down to just a few blocks each time, I can’t complete it. It gives me too few of each colour, and insists on giving me colours I’ve already removed all of, which is annoying. It seems I can only do it if I fluke …

Baby progress update

Today we went for the 20 week (well, 20 weeks and two days) scan at the hospital. Thankfully, everything was fine, even though we appear to have a wriggler – it wouldn’t stay still to let the nurse get a proper look! It also kept putting its hands over its face, which, although cute, didn’t really help. We did manage to get a great picture when it finally calmed down though. I suspect it’s the ice lolly (onna stick – …

Half-Life 2 (360)

Played loads of this today, and finished the whole buggy section. It took longer than was probably necessary as I stopped at every junction, house and building to see what was inside – usually ammo I didn’t need and baddies I certainly didn’t need. The buggy section, like the airboat bit before it, seemed to go on far too long. It was more fun than the airboat bit, and you actually felt like you were getting somewhere in it (whereas …