deKay's Lofi Gaming

2005 Entries

Invade-o-Trons from Planet Q Paul E. Collins Starglider’s Review: Claims to be the worst Space Invaders clone ever made, and I would be quite ready to agree. it even tells you that there is an error that occurs quite often.BUT… it does play, and error aside, it is possible to play. Still, it is an awful game! 6/10 Dunny’s Review: This is a BASIC port of the classic 70’s smash, “Space Invaders”. And what a mind-numbingly great port it is too. …

Things I’ve been playing recently

It’s a been a little while since I posted, so a round-up of recent gaming adventures… Hyrule Warriors (Wii U) Almost 50 hours have been spent on this now. It’s such an addictive game, and considering how few level maps there are (maybe 10?) there’s so much actual game content and variety. With loads of weapons still to unlock, and several characters still mostly unused, never mind a yet-to-be-started Master Quest mode, there’s a lot left to do. Most recently, …

Knytt Underground (Wii U)

How can a game which looks so lovely, with its giant alien flowers and plants in the background, and mysterious silhouetted machinery and dwellings in the foreground, all fantastically lit and darkened with lanterns, lasers, mist and smoke, also look so terrible with its woeful character portraits? It’s like the game’s amazing scenery artist got his 8 year old daughter to draw them. Thankfully, that doesn’t matter, as Knytt Underground is a great Jet Set Willy clone for a more …

The 2013 Gaming Expenditure Horror

It’s that time again, where I perform an autopsy on my games spending over the last 12 months. Some real changes this year as well. Let’s have a look at how the total compares: 2010 – £590.32 2011 – £888.22 2012 – £834.48 2013 – £342.82 So, a massive 58.9% decrease in spending. That’s a lot. However, there’s a reason for much, but not all, of that – in 2011 I bought a 3DS (and a PS3), and in 2012 …

Civilisation V (Mac)

You know how I don’t play computer games? WRONG. A couple of weeks ago I blagged a copy of Civilisation V (note “s”) from someone who had a spare copy on Steam. He said I could only have it if I promised to actually play it, so I did. In actuality, I’d already bought it. Stupidly, I’d tied it to a Steam account I couldn’t access, so got it refunded, but I still wanted the game. The price then went …

Gameking – Unleash the Games!

<< Previous (The Gameking) Gameking Games Readers without short-term memory problems will recall that I bought 13 games to go with my Gameking. Each and every one is special in its own special way. Special as in “special needs”, naturally. Firstly, a few points about Gameking games. The cartridges are strikingly familiar to anyone who has ever played on a Game Boy, since they’re exactly the same as Game Boy cartridges. Almost, anyway – instead of “Game Boy” they say …

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon

Who doesn’t like piloting expensive war planes, weaving through buildings and shooting missiles up the backsides of other expensive war planes? Nobody, that’s who. Here’s a trailer for the latest Ace Combat game from Namco Bandai. Which does all of the above: Press release: Fighter fans, now is your chance to marvel at the latest in the ACE COMBAT series ‘ACE COMBATTM ASSAULT HORIZON’ PREPARES TO TEAR THE HEAVENS APART NAMCO BANDAI Games Europe kicks the tires, lights the …

Top 10 Obscure Games

I’ve often said that I love buying games that are bizarre and obscure. Usually, they’re crap – which often explains why they’re pretty obscure. Sometimes, though, they’re great. By obscure I mean they’re pretty much unheard of to the general gaming public. This is either because they’re for a machine never released in whatever region of the world they’re in, or the game bombed so nobody bought it (these games aren’t always bad, surprisingly), or even just that nobody forgot …

Let’s Play! Trantor

I’m thinking of making Friday “Lets Play! Friday”. What do you think? One of the most visually impressive Speccy games, with huge sprites and colour-clash-be-damned graphics, Trantor: The Last Stormtrooper was rated highly but then mostly forgotten. With just 90 seconds before the bombs in his body explode (they don’t make ’em like this any more!), Trantor must find the items to slow the detonation.

Microsoft and web standards

Someone pointed me at this article today. It’s a “get the facts” piece from Microsoft, pointing out how much better Internet Explorer 8 is than rival browsers. Of course, being from Microsoft, it’s not going to be completely unbiased – is it? No. I won’t even begin to point out most of the glaring issues with the article, but one does stand out for me: Does it? Does it really? And, even if it does, what about CSS3? And what …

Mega Man 9 Demo (360)

Yes, I know I bought the Wii version this morning. I just thought I’d try it and see how it fares on the 360. Of course, it’s virtually identical. I’m glad I did buy the Wii version though, as the 360’s pad isn’t designed for digital control – the dpad is in the wrong place, and the stick has too much dead-area. As well as that, the added XBLA bits on the menu break the retro-game illusion too.

.NET 3.5 SP1 Allows managed code from a network share!

Finally!¬¨‚Ć I installed VB.NET on my machine at work almost four years ago, but because the apps it creates can’t be run from network shares or mapped drives (without headachey group policy changes and MSI rollouts and other nonsense) I’ve been unable to use it, instead having to rely on creaky old VB 6. But, last month, it seems that SP1 for the .NET Framework not only fixes the problem, but doesn’t require a recompile of existing applications! Brad Abrams …

Birthday meme

OK. I’m not sure of the point of this, but anyway: Look up your birthday in Wikipedia. Pick 4 events, 3 births, 2 deaths, and 1 holiday. May 15th Events 1718 – James Puckle, a London lawyer, patents the world’s first machine gun. 1756 – The Seven Years’ War begins when England declares war on France. 1940 – World War II: After fierce fighting, the poorly trained and equipped Dutch troops surrender to Germany, marking the beginning of five years …

Rampart (GBA)

Another of the Play Asia package today. This one is actually one half of the “Gauntlet and Rampart” double game cartridge (which, at the time of typing, you can get for a bargainous £5 from here). And? It is, as it always was, ace. I remember I was on holiday with a friend one summer and we walked three miles to the nearest arcade just to play this. It loses a little with just one player, but still plays fantastically …