deKay's Lofi Gaming

Titan Souls (Web): COMPLETED!

Is this a first? As in, a web-based (well, Flash) game that I’ve completed? Sort of. I mean, I’ve completed Cookie Clicker and Clicking Bad, but they’re not really proper games (are they?). Does this count as a proper game? Yes. I think it does. OK then. Titan Souls is, it appears, a purposefully terribly-named 2D top-down mini version of Shadow of the Colossus. Only with just four Colossi. And your only weapon is a single arrow you have to …

NES Remix (Wii U)

Well this was a lovely surprise from Nintendo. No idea it was coming at all, and then suddenly at the end of last week’s Nintendo Direct, Iwata went all Apple and said “Take a look at this…” and “It’s available now!”. There used to be a game called Game Centre Challenge, which had longer-than-Wario-Ware but still short challenges based on retro games. Except those retro games didn’t actually exist – they were fake retro styled titles. This is real, with real …

How I’d design the next Zelda game

An open letter to Nintendo: Much has been speculated about the upcoming Wii U Zelda game. No, not The Wind Waker HD – the new one, currently due to be revealed at E3 next year. Current word is that Nintendo would like to make it more open world. Possibly multiplayer. They want to move away from traditional Zelda games and move the series on. Rubbish. What makes Zelda is being Zelda. With the overworld and the dungeons. The “gimmick” changes …

The Irregular Lazy Catch Up Post

Yep. Another one of those. You love them really. So, here are things I’ve been playing recently: Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (360) I’m now, I dunno, half way into the first of the two year 7 films? I have no idea. Things seem to have hit the fan though, as the beardyman has died and the moon has turned into a Lego skull and everything was on fire. Literally no idea. Skylanders (360) My daughter is able to play this really …

Skyrim (360)

So since I last played, I’ve made my way to Windhelm (although didn’t do much there apart from get roped into a quest for an orphan who is a psycho), and then onto Winterhold from there. In Winterhold I joined Hogwarts, and went excavating some ruins or something. Read about zleventybillion books in the college, and then headed back to Whiterun for a bit. I then realised that somewhere along the way, I’ve lost Lydia. No idea where, but I …

Pound-a-Mile Update – 100 Miles!

Last night was cold and dark and cold. And dark. But mainly cold. So cold that the roads had started to freeze over while I was out on the bike, making junctions and corners much slower than normal and I generally just had to be more careful. However, despite all this, I took my “miles cycled to date this year” figure to just over 100 miles. That’s 103 miles in 17 days – and yes, I’ve managed a bike ride …

NaNoWriMo 2010

Extract #1 The sky was dark. The sky was always dark, to some degree, but this time it was darker than usual. The clouds had returned, thicker and lower than they had previously. They’d come in from the south east, gathering above and seemingly lowering as they combined. They came in so slowly that nobody noticed the change, and besides, the darkness against the dark sky was hardly perceptible at the best of times. Nobody could remember when the sky …

Top 10 Obscure Games

I’ve often said that I love buying games that are bizarre and obscure. Usually, they’re crap – which often explains why they’re pretty obscure. Sometimes, though, they’re great. By obscure I mean they’re pretty much unheard of to the general gaming public. This is either because they’re for a machine never released in whatever region of the world they’re in, or the game bombed so nobody bought it (these games aren’t always bad, surprisingly), or even just that nobody forgot …

Irritating and Unnecessary Gaming Clichés

I’ve been gaming for a long time. This is obvious to anyone who has perused the rest of my site (the Gaming Diary and Museum both give clues to this). I’ve played a lot of games. Hundreds. Thousands, in fact. It would be naïve to assume that, having played so many games, gaming ideas are only ever used once, and so each game is an entirely unique experience. This is, of course, not true. Some things come up all the …

Lit (Wii)

I’ve been playing this quite a lot over the last week or so. I saw the (short and uninformative) trailer a while ago and thought it looked good, but didn’t really know what to expect in terms of gameplay. Turns out it’s great! It’s sort of the opposite of my least favourite sort of game ever – stealth. Instead of staying hidden in the dark, you have to stay in the light, lighting areas of the room to reach the …

The Problems with Grand Theft Auto IV

GTA IV arrived yesterday, and I was actually quite excited about playing it. Before it came out, I wasn’t all that fussed, actually, and was prepared to wait until it hit less than ¬¨¬£25 (because I won’t pay more than ¬¨¬£25 for a game), regardless how long that was. As it turned out, it was just one day. Since ordering it, my excitement did build a bit, and I was really looking forward to it. Sadly, I feel a bit …

Eternal Sonata (360)

It’s far too easy to spend lots of time on this without realising. I started early this afternoon, and then suddenly it was dark outside. Chapter 2 was soon over. I had to fight Tuba again on the bridge by the fort, and although I won, he took out the bridge and we all fell to our watery deaths. Well, not quite. The beginning of Chapter 3 showed that my party had been split into two groups. Allegretto, Viola, Jazz, …

Endless Ocean (Wii)

I went into The Abyss today. It’s a bit bloody dark down there, but I did find a sperm whale and loads of new (and mostly bizarre) fish species, including a really long stringy jellyfish thing. Also found a load of dolphins too, although I couldn’t make any of them my “partner”. And there was a walrus on my boat when I re-surfaced!

On the Internet at the Dawn of Time #1

As an addition to my other “dawn of time” occasionals, I thought I’d bring you this – a contribution to the BBC’s “h2g2”. As you may know, h2g2 was set up to be an actual real version of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (hence the name). In fact, it pretty much became a forerunner to Wikipedia, and in the last few years it seems to have been mostly abandoned in favour of it. Anyway, In 1996 I came up …

Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (360): COMPLETED!

After killing another boss, I realised I had four of the five parts of Vlad already, meaning I was getting close to completing the game. However, it took me ages to figure out where the final piece was – and it turned out it was being held by Death in the Reverse Caverns area of the map. I was expecting him to be hard, but in fact, since I’d just killed another Doppleganger of me which led me to a …