deKay's Lofi Gaming

White Walls – A Short Story

He came to and blinked, slowly. The sun blazed in through the window and his head was pounding. He tried hard to focus, but his eyes refused to cooperate, a combination of the bright light searing his retinas and a peculiar bobbing sensation. Why was everything slowly moving by itself, he thought with much confusion. He tried to get up, but his limbs flailed uselessly. His legs felt moist, the floor had a strange softness and he simply couldn’t coordinate …

2005 Entries

Invade-o-Trons from Planet Q Paul E. Collins Starglider’s Review: Claims to be the worst Space Invaders clone ever made, and I would be quite ready to agree. it even tells you that there is an error that occurs quite often.BUT… it does play, and error aside, it is possible to play. Still, it is an awful game! 6/10 Dunny’s Review: This is a BASIC port of the classic 70’s smash, “Space Invaders”. And what a mind-numbingly great port it is too. …

Proteus (Vita): COMPLETED!

Through various deals and sales, I managed to pick this up for just £1.44 today. I’ll buy any old crap at that sort of price, but a few people warned me against it, saying it wasn’t even worth it for free. Pff to them, I thought. I can decide myself. But what the hell did I just buy? A walking around a pixelated island in some sort of dream simulator? I don’t know. I started off in the see just …

Things I’ve been playing recently

A lot of things, it seems. I’ve had a glut of new games over the last month and I’ve been playing each for a short time. I’ve yet to settle down and just work on one or two, so I’ve not made much progress in each. So here’s a list, in no particular order: Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition (Vita) My subscription to PS+ was autorenewed before I could cancel it (the whole service got DDOS’d and I couldn’t log …

Knytt Underground (Wii U): COMPLETED!

Chapter 3 is enormous. Like, really enormous. It contains the maps from chapters 1 and 2, and then about 50 times as much content again. And it isn’t just how many rooms there are, either – the puzzles and platforming sections are harder, so take longer. There are quests to get  items which have you travelling (not too far, usually, thankfully) round the map as you try to complete them. With enough of certain items, you can ring bells, but …

The Wonderful 101 (Wii U): COMPLETED!

A concerted effort over the last few days has paid off, and I’ve managed to complete The Wonderful 101! I really enjoyed it. It’s mental, but it’s so much fun to play. OK, so the number of times you fight the same baddies is perhaps a bit too high, and drawing Unite Morphs in a narrow or enclosed space is sometimes a little tricky, but there’s just too much to love about it. It’s so bright and happy, with plenty …