deKay's Lofi Gaming

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360): COMPLETED!

NINETY-ONE HOURS of gaming on Oblivion, and I’ve finally completed it. The last few play sessions have been a concerted effort to stay on-track and “do” the main quest, and it culminated this afternoon with me gaining the title Champion of Cyrodiil. I’m Winner! I won’t spoil everything, but needless to say it was a pretty long slog. My first task today was to obtain part of Tiber Septim’s armour, stained with his blood. It was in a dungeon, and …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Found an Inn in the Market District and paid for a bed. Lo and behold, I was woken by a man in a black habit. He told me to go to the Inn of Ill Omen, south of the Imperial City (and en-route to Bravil) and kill an old man there named Rufio. Upon doing so, I would be able to join the Dark Brotherhood. The going-to-sleep thing raised me to Level 5 as well, so I spent my “points” …

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC)

This is one of those games that’s kind of difficult to describe where I’ve got to in it, especially since there’s some backtracking (albeit in different time zones). Got past the bit I was stuck in before, and moved on through more traps and stuff to a circular area where the almost nude woman in leather was fighting a remarkably similar looking almost nude woman in a red almost-dress. I’m guessing at this point that the woman in leather is …

Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox): COMPLETED!

Well. That took AGES. And AGES. Just over 36 hours in total, in fact. I knew it was a long game, but I was expecting nearer 20 when I started it. I didn’t even do many of the side quests either. Started off today on the “Unknown Planet”, and had to do some kind of mediation between two tribes of Rakata – the followers of The One, and the Elders. Well, I’m not sure what went wrong, but it seems …

Super Princess Peach

Picked up from World 3, Level 2 where I’d previously made it up to. It, like all good (and bad) Mario-derived games has, is a Ghost House type level, so there were Boos and dark bits and stuff. And an irritating pick-a-door puzzle bit on one of the levels. Shockingly (or rather, not), the end of level boss was King Boo. He was pretty easy though, and I killed him first go. World 4 was the obligatory lava world, and …


Went on two quests today. The first was a fairly long one, into the Bandit Camp to find out more about my lost sister. Of course, [spoiler], which wasn’t entirely unexpected. Getting there took longer than it needed to, as I fought my way through the Darkwood again to get there, when I could have just teleported to Oakvale and cut the journey short. Before getting into the camp at all, there was a stealth bit (and I hate stealth …


Since I’m a Right Proper Hero now, I thought I’d best do some Right Proper Heroing. Off I trundled to a nearby town, and talked to all the local laydees. I then examined a bookcase in a house, only to find it wasn’t “examining”, but “stealing”, and the guards ran after me. And hit me with swords. Gah – I was trying to be nice as well. Managed to get away (I couldn’t pay the fine as I didn’t have …