Batman: Arkham City (Wii U)

Dinner dinner dinner dinner fightman! Dinner dinner dinner dinner hideman! Dinner dinner dinner dinner glideman! Climbman! Batman! 85% done now. With the story, at least. It would appear that only equates to about 30% of the overall game, which presumably includes all the side missions, Riddler trophies and after-game fun. Of which there is clearly a lot for the maths to work. Having beaten up Mr Freeze and found his wife for him, lost the cure for Batman’s poisoning, and …

The Cave (Wii U): COMPLETED!

I have a lot of games on the go at the moment so in an effort to resolve that I made a concerted effort to not play anything else until I’d finished some. It didn’t work as I accidentally started playing Assassin’s Creed III. I did, however, manage to finish The Cave. It’s not a big game, having clocked in at about 7 hours, but it was very funny and quite clever. The three characters I’d chosen were Hillbilly, Time …

The Irregular Lazy Catch Up Post

Yep. Another one of those. You love them really. So, here are things I’ve been playing recently: Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (360) I’m now, I dunno, half way into the first of the two year 7 films? I have no idea. Things seem to have hit the fan though, as the beardyman has died and the moon has turned into a Lego skull and everything was on fire. Literally no idea. Skylanders (360) My daughter is able to play this really …

Trine 2 (Wii U): COMPLETED!

With about 15 hours on the clock, I’m done. Woo! As previously posted, once I got the controls sorted, I was well away and really enjoyed it. Sure, there are a few puzzles which I appeared to fudge or break in order to complete them (I don’t think I did them any of the accepted “correct” ways), but that didn’t seem to matter. A very pretty game, and well worth a play through. I don’t think I’ll go through again …

Trine 2 (Wii U)

However pretty it is, for some reason I didn’t quite gel with Trine 2 at first. The controls were fiddly, having to swap character and weapon and use all the buttons and the touch screen, and as much as I wanted to love it, I didn’t. Then, when I realised it’s the only Wii U game I have that I haven’t completed (aside from Nintendo Land, which I’m not sure counts? That’s a debate for another time, perhaps), I got …

Stuff I’ve been playing recently

It’s another lazy roundup! Yay! Nintendo Land (Wii U) I’ve completed the Pikmin Adventure game, which took a couple of hours (and unlocked some more, harder levels). It’s really very good, and has me itching for Pikmin 3. I also played Octopus Dance some more, but no matter how well I do, a controller calibration or disconnection problem happens and I lose. Bah. Mighty Switch Force HD (Wii U) Although the level called “Bonus 5” is seemingly the same as …

Little Inferno (Wii U): COMPLETED! (again)

Having got to the end of it last time, I found there was an item I’d burnt along with everything else in the game which is needed for something right near the end. So, naturally, this meant I had to play the entire game all over again, from start to finish, retaining that item. It was actually quite hard to do, as I very nearly absentmindedly chucked it on the pire by mistake, and my daughter decided to be “helpful” …

New Super Mario Bros U (Wii U)

And that’s it. All done. Every level completed, Nabbit Nabbed on every world, every Star Coin in every level, every level on Superstar Road unlocked, completed, and coins grabbed, and the final level unlocked and done. All five stars now adorn my saved game. And what a superb game. I loved it from start to finish, never felt the coin hunt was “filler”, never found a single level – regardless of how difficult – that I didn’t think was doable, …

New Super Mario Bros U (Wii U)

I may have already completed it, but the game just keeps giving! Today, while trying to get all the big coins (I’ve all of them on the first two worlds, and most on the fourth now), I stumbled across a secret exit in a ghost house. That opened up yet another level for me to do! I also had a great time playing with my daughter helping on the game pad. She was laying down blocks over holes, and helping …

Nano Assault Neo (Wii U): COMPLETED!

Omikron was hard. Very hard. I don’t know how many attempts at it I had, but only two of them got me as far as the boss, and most of them failed on the first level. I later learned not to stay in one place for too long – the baddies crowd you. Once I realised that the best tactic was sweep round the level, and when it gets busy move away for a bit, it was much easier. Sigma, …

Mighty Switch Force HD (Wii U): COMPLETED!

On one hand, Mighty Switch Force HD isn’t much more than the 3DS version I completed a while ago. On the other, it does have new levels, modified levels, and it looks even more awesome. Mainly though, it’s fantastic, regardless of what has gone before. As it is then, Mighty Switch Force HD is a great platform puzzle shooter, with lovely aesthetics, and I enjoyed every minute of it. Again. I even went straight back in and played most of the …

Little Inferno (Wii U): COMPLETED!

Is this a review? Yes. Probably. It’s hard to review a game that isn’t a game though. I’ll try. Little Inferno is a toy. Sure, there’s an end, and yes, it has some (very minor, almost optional) gameplay components, but you don’t die and all you need to complete it is time. In this toy, you burn things. All the things. You’re provided with a Little Inferno fireplace, some money and a catalogue, from which you order things to burn. …

New Super Mario Bros U (Wii U): COMPLETED!

My first completed Wii U game! And a fantastic one it was! I genuinely believe this is the best 2D Mario game since Super Mario World. It’s just perfect. Varied worlds, secret exits, challenging levels (all pretty much missing from the other “New” SMB titles), and for the first time, the 3D Mario character actually works. In every other game with a 3D Mario played in 2D (even as far back as Mario vs Donkey Kong) he just looks wrong. …

New Super Mario Bros U (Wii U)

This is lovely. I mean, really lovely. And not just the graphics (which are also lovely) either. It’s a massive, varied, pretty and inventive platformer. It’s harder than the far-too-easy DS and Wii NSMB games too, and better for it. Sure, I’ve completed four worlds (1, 2, 4 and 7, for some reason) and have about 90 lives, but some of the levels along the way have been real gamepad smashers. Take the Paratrooper Beetles level. It’s a vertically autoscrolling level, …

The First Wii U Post

My Wii U arrived! So I spent most of the weekend playing it and the games I got with it. Nintendo Land It’s not a minigame collection. No matter who tells you it is, it isn’t. It’s a collection, sure, but some of the games are full, proper games. Take the Pikmin Adventure game. It’s Pikmin. Sure, it’s not got all the item collecting and night-time save-all-the-pikmin bits, but it’s a complete and reasonably long “campaign”. Single player only game …