deKay's Lofi Gaming

Play Want Bin Expense: 2016-05-16

Remember Assassin’s Creed Unity? I had totally forgotten about it. Also: lots of retro stuff again! Play Sonic 3 & Knuckles (MD) Which I completed soon after posting about it last week. It was excellent, but then, Sonic 3 and Knuckles was always excellent – it’s the best Mega Drive game and by extension, one of the best 16bit games ever made. Yes, it’s better than Sonic 2. HYRULE WARRIORS (Wii U) Played through a few more missions on the …

Thomas Was Alone: Benjamin’s Flight (Vita): COMPLETED!

It has to be said that there were two things harder than the actual game itself, but related to the game itself. Number one: actually getting the damn game to load. I had to download the Benji DLC again, restart the Vita, and sacrifice several virgin goats just to get as far as the menu screen. Number two: actually figuring out how to play the DLC. Turns out you have to choose to replay a scenario and then pick Episode …

Grim Fandango Remastered (PS4/Vita): COMPLETED!

Interest started to wane the closer to the end I got. Puzzles continued to make less and less sense, and even the interest with following the plot was becoming difficult as it was taking longer and longer to solve the puzzles so the story was frequently put into stasis for long periods. By the end it had become so drawn out I’d forgotten half the characters and the secretary, Meche and the woman from the hipster club all blurred into …


OK, so technically it’s on the Vita, and really it’s an arcade game (it’s on Capcom Classics Reloaded), but since it’s a download for the PSP I’m classing it as a PSP game. I think that’s in line with my usual logic for the likes of the Wii U Virtual Console. Not that it really matters. As an aside, the game looks pretty poor on the Vita screen, regardless of screen size option. I don’t think PSP games look very good …

Touch My Katamari (Vita): COMPLETED!

In a sale a few months ago, Touch My Katamari dropped to about £18. I was very tempted to buy it but the only thing stopping me was a full Vita memory card. By the time my 64GB card arrived, it wasn’t on sale any more and I’d a billion other things to play anyway. This week, I spotted it for £3.29 on PSN, and, with my credit I’d bought for 20% discount, nabbed it for around £2.60. Bargain! Or …

2005 Entries

Invade-o-Trons from Planet Q Paul E. Collins Starglider’s Review: Claims to be the worst Space Invaders clone ever made, and I would be quite ready to agree. it even tells you that there is an error that occurs quite often.BUT… it does play, and error aside, it is possible to play. Still, it is an awful game! 6/10 Dunny’s Review: This is a BASIC port of the classic 70’s smash, “Space Invaders”. And what a mind-numbingly great port it is too. …

10 Gaming Years

10 years ago today, on the 1st January 2005, I posted my very first Gaming Diary post. Back then, I was using Blogger and it uploaded posts via FTP to my own server when I published. After a few years, Google decided to discontinue this ability, leaving me with three options: give my domain name to Google and continue with Blogger, change to a Blogger or Blogspot URL and continue with Blogger, or cut the  cord and import the lot …