deKay's Lofi Gaming

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS)

More not-actually-aimless wandering led to the accidental discovery of Turtle Rock, and the completion of it. The actual dungeon was very small, but involved several “layers” on each of the two floors and was actually quite complicated. It was pretty easy though, brain-twisty puzzles aside, and the boss was easily seen off. After that, I set about looking for entrances to other dungeons, finding my way to the Dark Palace (which had a rubbish stealth section before it – mercifully, …

The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS)

This is slow going. Not that slow going is a problem, and it’s actually mostly my “fault” as I keep getting sidetracked looking for treasure and stuff – only to be disappointed that I don’t have the Titan’s Mitt to pick up big rocks. Well, sorted that by getting the mitt from the Desert Palace. Now (I think!) I can reach everywhere, as I’ve all the weapons too. But I’m ahead of myself. Before the Desert Palace (which, like in …

How I’d design the next Zelda game

An open letter to Nintendo: Much has been speculated about the upcoming Wii U Zelda game. No, not The Wind Waker HD – the new one, currently due to be revealed at E3 next year. Current word is that Nintendo would like to make it more open world. Possibly multiplayer. They want to move away from traditional Zelda games and move the series on. Rubbish. What makes Zelda is being Zelda. With the overworld and the dungeons. The “gimmick” changes …

Completed 2013

Little Inferno (Wii U 02/01/2013) New Super Mario Bros 2 (3DS 06/01/2013) Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask (3DS 22/01/2013) Gunman Clive (3DS 25/01/2013) Trine 2 (Wii U 03/02/2013) The Cave (Wii U 26/02/2013) Lego Harry Potter: Years 5-7 (360 03/03/2013) Batman: Arkham City (Wii U 10/03/2013) DLC Quest: Live Freemium or Die (360 20/03/2013) F-Zero (Wii U 23/03/2013) Assassin’s Creed III (Wii U 30/03/2013) Code of Princess (3DS 01/04/2013) Picross e2 (3DS 26/04/2013) Lego City Undercover (Wii U 26/04/2013) …

3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3)

Well looky this. Another PS3 game. My PS3 must think it’s Christmas or something. Little does it know I’m euthenising it come Boxing Day. Ho ho ho! Not really. If you’ve ever seen anything about 3D Dot Game Heroes, you’ll have noticed it bears more than a passing resemblance to Zelda. Albeit in fancy 3D block pixel form, anyway. Surely it doesn’t play like Zelda though? That would be a bit brazen. Oh. It plays like Zelda too, and not …

The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords (3DS)

The lovely people at Nintendo gave everyone with a DSi/XL/3DS a free copy of this updated version of the GBA Four Swords game, to tie in with the Legend of Zelda 25th Anniversary. How lovely! The main difference between this and the GBA one is that they’ve added a single player mode. Well, it’s sort of single player two player co-op, with you controlling two Links at the same time. It’s pretty good too, although I’ve only played for an …

Top 10 Game Boy Advance Games

Ah, the Game Boy Advance. To many, a portable SNES without enough buttons to effectively be a portable SNES, and one with a screen invisible in all but the glow of a 100W lightbulb. That didn’t stop it from having arguably the best catalogue of games of any system, however, and with the lit screen of the GBA SP (further refined in the GB Micro), it became and remains my favourite handheld ever. And I loved my DS and 3DS a lot. …

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (Wii)

Hmm. I’m now over 11 hours in. I’ve just got all the tears from Lake Hylia. And it still doesn’t feel like Zelda. It has the right place names, and the right characters, and the right music and sound effects, but it doesn’t play like a Zelda game. I really, really, dislike the wolf bits. And they’ve made up more than half the game so far. And after 11 hours I’ve still only had 2 dungeons? It’s just not right.

Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer (DS)

And here’s one of my posts about a new game. I started playing Shiren the Wanderer a few days ago, and I’m already hooked. You can look at the game as one of two types. It’s either a shockingly difficult RPG, where dying means starting all over again, or it’s a simplified and easier Roguelike, where you can stockpile items for later games. It just depends on how you’re playing it, really. This, however, is clear: completing it without preparing …

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (360)

Cripes. That was a bit of a long quest! Basically, I’ve now finished the Thieves Guild questline (50 more Gamerpoints got, too), but can’t say too much for fear of spoilers. What I will say, however, is there’s a huge trek through the Imperial City sewers, then through “The Old Way”, a secret passage to underneath the palace, then through the palace dungeons, and finally some sneaking inside the palace. Oh yes, and then you have to get out again. …

Zelda no Densetsu: The Hyrule Fantasy

Or Legend of Zelda, to its friends. Yes, the Japanese version of the first Zelda game. In Japanese. For the GBA. And it’s hard! Not only because it is in Japanese (that I can mostly handle – you don’t need to be able to read much of what is going on, especially if you played the English version like I have), but it is actually harder than the Western version I’ve played before. I’m sure of it. The first thing …

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages

Swaptastic fetchquest time! Just like Seasons, you need to take item A to person B to get item C to take to person D to get item E, etc. And, at the end, I got the Nobel Sword for my troubles. However, since I have the Secret to get the Master Sword, I inputted that and now have the most powerful sword in the game. That should make things a bit easier here on in! Also on my travels, I …

Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages

First off, I created a new game by linking Seasons to Ages. Although I’d hoped that this would give me teh magic powaz from Seasons at the start of my quest, it didn’t. Rubbish. It did, however, continue the story. Twinrova, some baddies I met in Seasons, appeared and said some stuff about Onox not dying in vain, and some flames being lit so that the Great King can be summoned. Or something. And then it was off into the …

Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude

Looks like I’m nearly at the end of the game now. I had whirlwind romances with Barbera Jo (ended in a wet T-shirt competiton), Suzi (I joined her rock group and then spanked her), and Morgan. Morgan is by far the most bizarre of them, as she’s some kind of internet nerd, with whom I played strip-hand-slappy with, then the rudest game of Dungeons and Dragons you can imagine, and then finally we streaked campus. As they say in Americaland, …