Assassin’s Creed: Liberation HD (PS3): COMPLETED!

It seemed very hurried towards the end. Years were skipped. Very little story exposition happened. Events just occurred in quick succession, and I realised how linear this Assassin’s Creed game actually was. I’d started to suspect a twist at the end, and by the end of Sequence 7-ish I’d realised what it was. The ending threw me, until (spoiler), and the Citizen E thing happened. Overall, it wasn’t a bad game, but it’s probably the worst Assassin’s Creed title in …

Assassin’s Creed: Liberation HD (PS3)

On the PS3, you say? Am I mad, you ask? Yes, and possibly yes. In my defence, I had a load of PSN credit and it was on sale. And I’d been playing and enjoying Assassin’s Creed IV. So it made a bit of sense. Currently, I’m about half way through the game (just returned from Mexico, for those in the know), and I’ve noticed that the game seems about half finished. No, those are two different things. What I …

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (Wii U): COMPLETED!

And with what seemed like a dash for the finish, the story blundered to a close. The second half of the game consisted mostly of actual assassinations, thankfully, but the boating was still there. Another rubbish element was introduced too – the diving bell missions which controlled horribly and you had to hide in seaweed from sharks. No, really. Rubbish. Luckily, there was just one of those, and the rest were optional. I optioned not to bother with any more. …

Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag (Wii U)

Assassin’s Creed III was a disappointment. After the great previous three games (especially Brotherhood), Ubisoft seemed to throw all the fun out of the game and fill it with useless and tedious sidequests. You can see it started a little in Revelations with the ill-advised Tower Defence bits, but aside from one single mission it was entirely optional and avoidable, but III was filled to the brim with nothing I wanted to play. Naval battles. Ship upgrades. Homestead improvements. Yes, …

Assassin’s Creed III (Wii U): COMPLETED!

Well, I’m glad I didn’t spoil the ending for myself before getting to it at least. Not nearly as bad as people had made out though. There may be spoilers to follow… I didn’t like the final two “boss” fights. Haytham’s was complete rubbish and different to any other fight in the game, and Charles Lee’s was basically a chase followed by a cutscene. You don’t actually get to properly assassinate either of them – it’s done for you by …

Assassin’s Creed III (Wii U)

And so the neck-stabbing continues. Well, I say that, but in fact it doesn’t. One major issue I have with this version of Assassin’s Creed is that you have no way of telling when you’re supposed to press Y to assassinate anyone. You have to guess, whereas previously it would appear as a prompt on-screen. Which means that most of the time you either miss, or worse, miss and everyone notices you. As a result, picking off guards one by …

Assassin’s Creed III (Wii U)

I played this for a couple of hours a few weeks ago, as I snapped it up for a tenner. I didn’t want to play it much more as I was still in the middle of Batman: Arkham City, and they’re reasonably similar game styles (hide-and-seek-and-punch), but the controls are very different, so going from one game to the other was going to be confusing. With Batman out of the way last week, I was back to Assassin’s Creed III. …

Assassin’s Creed: Revelations (360)

Finally done with this now. I must say, the final couple of hours soured my experience a little, what with the wandering round waiting for money to generate just to get the last few books, and the awful first person sections, and even having done all them there were still no Revelations. Anyway, that’s pretty much all the non-multiplayer achievements done, aside from a few I really can’t be bothered with (not least because some of them involve playing the first …

Assassin’s Creed: Revelations (360)

You know, sometimes it would be much easier to just read what the achievements are, and how to get them, before starting the game. Saves hours of repetition after completing the game, if I’d just thought to, say, do a few thief tasks or something at the start and then the achievement would just pop up through normal play. In this case, thief looting. If I’d unlocked it earlier in the game then I could use it to loot 50 …

Assassin’s Creed: Revelations (360): COMPLETED!

Dear Ubisoft, I am a big fan of your historically almost-accurate hood-wearing murderous free-runner simulators, but despite having played your three most recent in relatively quick succession and anxiously anticipating the finale of the “Ezio Trilogy” and its associated Revelations, I was shocked to discover that you seem to have forgotten to include any. Unless, of course, I have to unlock them by playing this poor Welltris/Mirror’s Edge minigame to completion, which, frankly, isn’t going to happen. Not least because it is the …

Assassin’s Creed: Revelations (360)

I started this at the weekend, having found it cheap (and cheap sooner than I anticipated!). For the first couple of hours, I didn’t really like it. It was too different to the previous game, both with the weapons (you have bombs now) and the controls (they’ve shifted stuff from X to Y, and Y to LS), as well as there seemingly being no glyphs, a bizarre Tower Defence section, and no “outside the Animus” bits. Somehow as well, I …

Stuff I’ve played recently

A roundup of some of the games I’ve been playing in the last couple of weeks: Pullblox (3DS) Completed this a while back, but have gone back to finish some of the bonus levels that you unlock, and some of the user generated ones I’ve found strewn across the internets. It’s still lovely. Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (360) Returned to mop up a few more achievements and actually play some of the side missions and games I’d totally missed. There are …

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (360)

It may be completed, but while bad people remain unfacestabbed, the assassinations must continue! I’ve spent most of my time plundering the Lairs of Romulus, and also finishing off the remaining Leonardo’s Machines bits (although one still needs to be done), as well as mopping up all the feathers, some Borgia Flags, and lots of treasures. I’ve also tried completing the Shop Quests, but I’m still a few items short. Alongside all this, I’ve also been sending my assassins off …

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (360): COMPLETED!

Well, I wasn’t expecting that. I mean, I was expecting to finish it, of course – but I didn’t expect to play though Sequence 5 and get to the end and have “Sequence 9 Complete” come up. Turns out I was much further through the game than I thought. Since I’ve spent about 80% of the game “off-story”, that means the main story was very, very short compared to Assassin’s Creed 2. I don’t really mind as there’s been plenty …

Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood (360)

In many ways, this is just Assassin’s Creed II. The fighting is the same. The moves, the same. The basic assassination techniques, the same. You still have towers to scale, and tombs to raid, and armour to upgrade and paintings to collect. There are still treasure chests left randomly across the map and guards on rooftops who tell you to get down. Even the doctors still go on about lead-based cures for things and how a weekly bleeding is good …