Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow (GBA): COMPLETED!

So I went rummaging around for three books that Mina suggested I might need. I actually had one already, and the other two were found pretty easily once I’d taken a good look at the map. I found another boss (Legion) who was alarmingly easy to kill, and then got another soul or three. After all that, I had the books required, and the three souls it was suggested I equip (Flame Armour, Succabus, and Giant Bat – all traits …

Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance (GBA): COMPLETED!

Well. After getting a couple of keys, I was able to get around pretty much the entire map. Picked up the Griffin’s Wing and Crush Boots too, so I then could get round the entire map, and killed a few more bosses on the way and collected fahsands more power-ups and some well ace armour. I reached Level 48 or so, and my DEF stat was so high that almost no enemy could deal out more than a couple of …

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon (GBA): COMPLETED!

After trying several times to kill Dracula, I gave up. The final boss has two phases: one where he appears and disappears, and has three attacks – poison clouds, laser beam, and meteor strike, and after that he flies around a lot, then turns into a load of bats and a giant eyeball. The first phase was easy, especially if I used the DSS card combo that effectively grants you double energy. The second, however, was not. Dodging Dracula flying …

Super Castlevania IV (Wii): COMPLETED!

It was waaaaaaay harder than I remember it from 12 or so years ago, but today I conquered the game. Excellent. Dracula took 8 attempts (although I’d tried yesterday about 20 or 30 times), but in fact, his final “form” was much easier than his first few. I managed to force myself to only get a hit in when it was safe, concentrating on avoiding projectiles rather that smacking him in the face. This really helped. Getting my health back …

New Rally-X (360): COMPLETED!

Yes, I am well aware that it’s one of those goes-on-forever games, but the thing is, it has 12 Achievements. And I Achieved the last two of them today: get over 100,000 points (which for some reason isn’t listed on my score table, even though the achievement itself is – bizarre) and Complete Stage 16. So I’ve never managed to “do” all of the achievements on any 360 games before, and then I do two in three days. Ace.

Viva Pinata (360): COMPLETED!

Right, before I start I really should qualify my “completed” status thing for this game. Yeah, so I haven’t done every last thing possible (yet), but I have had every single pinata resident at some point, and – most importantly – I have not gained all 1000 points worth of achievements. That’s 50/50 achievements. All of them. So I can take that as “complete”, seeing as there’s not really another way of completing it, is there? Well, aside from the …

ToeJam and Earl (Wii): COMPLETED!

Just squeezing in at the end of the year is this, my 45th completed title of 2006. I got as far as Level 24, and was knocked down accidentally to Level 23, so I decided to keep falling until I reached 17 to see if there was a ship piece I’d missed – and there was. Found that, then dropped all the way to Level 1, used an innertube to swim to the island in the bottom left, dropped to …

We Love Katamari (PS2): COMPLETED!

After much playing of this today, and rolling up piles of animals, some clouds, loads more flowers, a gingerbread house, the sumo bloke again, and entire continents (including volcanoes, some sort of god, and a giant 1km octopus), I completed it. I finally created enough celestial bodies to allow me to roll up the Earth, into these planets and moons and stuff, and then move on and actually roll up the Sun. No, really. Excellent. And an excellent game too. …

Guitar Hero (PS2): COMPLETED!

Hurrah! Many more attempts at “Bark at the Moon” later, and I’d finally done it. The trick, in the end, was to save my Star Power for a difficult section and use it then, so that missed notes matter less and hit notes count double. Aces. I then went back and did the few tracks I hadn’t needed to do, and so Medium is now complete. After that, I made a start on Hard. And oh my, is it hard. …

Super Mario 64 (Wii): COMPLETED!

Right. So that’s now two Wii games completed, but both are actually old titles. Ho hum. Anyway. Most of the rest of the required stars came from Jolly Roger Bay, Tall Tall Mountain, Dire Dire Docks, and the ghost house. Also picked up a few secret stars (two from the rabbit included), and one or two each from Rainbow Ride and Tick Tock Clock. Finally, it was on to Bowser, who I defeated first time (I didn’t even die on …

Sonic the Hedgehog (Wii): COMPLETED!

How strange that the first game I complete on the my new Wii console, is the first console games I ever owned. Well, one of two – I got Altered Beast on the same day, but that doesn’t count… So I managed to make up for missing out on two Chaos Emeralds by carefully getting to the end of the remaining Acts with 50 or more rings, and got myself all six emeralds by the time I’d done Starlight Zone …

Tony Hawk’s Project 8 (360): COMPLETED!

I’m in Project 8! OK, so I’m only 7th in Project 8, but I’m still there. I completed the challenges Tony set me (which were actually pretty easy), and made it to Rank 8 (and saw the credits and stuff), then did some more goals (including two Pro Challenges) which bumped me up to 7th. After that, I switched to Free Skate mode and did a few timed runs. Having found an ideal spot in the Funpark (up and to …

Phoenix Wright: Justice for All (DS): COMPLETED!

Surprise last minute witness! I won’t say who, but it is most bizarre. The last hour of play twisted the plot all over the place. One minute I was defending my client, the next accusing him, then back again. Then Edgeworth was on the same side as me, we swapped sides, swapped back, and then von Karma joined in! Confused? You will be! And then I had a choice of two routes to take – declare my client guilty or …