I’ve got eight Z-Crystals now, having just beaten Sophocles and the electricity totem. I thought Ground moves were super effective against Electricity type Pokémon? Mine certainly weren’t, rendering my sexy Dugtrio mostly useless. Fire seemed to be the way to go, for some reason!
Tag: pokemon
Pokémon Sun (3DS)
That’s the fire captain in the volcano beaten. Pretty bizarre that was, all the dancing and stuff. And the hiker photobombing.
And I’ve discovered Poké Pelego, which is weird and addictive. Combined with also being addicted now to the Festival Plaza which I previously rubbished, I’m concerned I may never complete the main game.
Pokémon Sun (3DS)
16 hours in already! I’m on the second island, and have just taken part in the four-way battle with Hau, Gladion and absolutely not the Professor in luchador gear.
I’ve also spent a lot of time in the Festival Plaza, which is a bit weird but oddly addictive.
Off to Route 7 now, to meet the captain who lives in a volcano. Uh huh.
Things I’ve been playing recently
Roundup! Mega Man 7 (Wii U) It’s been a few months since I started Mega Man 7. I think, after ploughing through Mega Mans 1-6 I may have had a bit of Mega Man burnout, and I was a bit disappointed with 7 anyway as it didn’t feel right. Anyway, I’m back on it now and have taken down the first lot of four Robot Masters. I’m enjoying it, and it does feel more like the NES games than it …
Things I’ve been playing recently
Roundup time! Yakuza 4 (PS3) It’s been a while since I played Yakuza 3. I did really enjoy it, but never got round to picking up Yakuza 4, probably because it was a PS3 game and I don’t really like playing PS3 games, however good they are. However, for reasons I won’t explain, I got a PS+ subscription and with it came Yakuza 4. I’m a few hours in, and have spent most of the game so far watching cut …
Pokémon Shuffle (3DS): COMPLETED!
A few years ago, I stopped (with rare exceptions) playing games on my iPhone. The App Store had become swamped with F2P games with IAPs and other abbreviations, and even “traditional” games had been drugged with mechanisms designed to only allow play if you keep buying gold, or gems, or whatever for ridiculous prices. “Sonic had run out of jumps! Buy 10 jumps for £2.99?”. No. And yet here is Nintendo, perhaps the last bastion of proper games, releasing a …
Pokémon Rumble U (Wii U): COMPLETED!
With Mario 3D World completed in 2-player with my daughter (after completing it in single player), we moved back to this. It turns out there weren’t actually that many levels left, and with our ridiculously overpowered White Kyurem NFC character we didn’t exactly struggle. I’m not going to sing the game’s praises too much. It’s a very simple button basher (even more so than the Wii and 3DS precursors), with very few differences between levels. Even having different Pokémon means …
Things I’ve been playing recently
Roundup time! Need For Speed: Most Wanted U (Wii U) At less than £15, I couldn’t resist this. The best version of essentially the sequel to one of the best driving games ever (Burnout Paradise)? Sold! And, I’ve not been disappointed. Sure, it’s more realistic with the real cars and less arcadey handling, and yeah, the billboards and barriers you have to smash through aren’t all bright red and yellow, and OK, so there are police cars out to spoil …
Super Pokémon Rumble (3DS): COMPLETED!
Blimey. This turned out to be a pretty tedious slog by the end. I didn’t really expect much depth from it, to be fair, but after 14 hours of pretty much just pressing A and sometimes B to slap other Pokémon about with no levelling system (you just swap to more powerful Pokémon), mostly useless money to collect (don’t think I ever spent any), and no real difficulty, the appeal did start to wane a bit. Playing in relatively short …
Stuff wot I are bin playing recently
Another round-up post, I’m afraid! Batman: Arkham City (PC) Despite the hassle it is to set up (all those cables and adapters and begging Windows to let audio go out the HDMI port please), and the fact it’s a PC game, I’m still enjoying it. It feels like driving a car when you know one of the wheels is going to fall off at some point. You enjoy the ride, but are on edge that at some point you could …
Super Pokémon Rumble (3DS)
This is a sort-of sequel to a WiiWare game called, er, Pokémon Rumble. Which I played the demo of, and was impressed enough to consider getting the full game. Until this 3DS version was announced, and I decided to hold fire and get instead. I saw it cheap yesterday, and picked it up. And it’s lovely. Sure, it’s shallow and repetitive. I’ve not done much so far other than wander round smacking A and sometimes pressing X to swap pokeymen. …