Papo & Yo (PS3): COMPLETED!

I renewed my PS+ subscription and upgraded my (full) PS3 hard drive, so picked this up for a rental. Thought I’d give it a try as I’d heard good things, but had no idea what it was about or the type of game it was. As it turned out, it was a sort of platform puzzler where the events of the game are actually some sort of dream (or something) metaphor, where the main character has what appears to be …

Assassin’s Creed: Liberation HD (PS3): COMPLETED!

It seemed very hurried towards the end. Years were skipped. Very little story exposition happened. Events just occurred in quick succession, and I realised how linear this Assassin’s Creed game actually was. I’d started to suspect a twist at the end, and by the end of Sequence 7-ish I’d realised what it was. The ending threw me, until (spoiler), and the Citizen E thing happened. Overall, it wasn’t a bad game, but it’s probably the worst Assassin’s Creed title in …

Assassin’s Creed: Liberation HD (PS3)

On the PS3, you say? Am I mad, you ask? Yes, and possibly yes. In my defence, I had a load of PSN credit and it was on sale. And I’d been playing and enjoying Assassin’s Creed IV. So it made a bit of sense. Currently, I’m about half way through the game (just returned from Mexico, for those in the know), and I’ve noticed that the game seems about half finished. No, those are two different things. What I …

Katamari Forever (PS3): COMPLETED!

I’ve completed this before, but only in one game mode – “Forever”. Randomly, my daughter asked me to play it again a few days ago (I didn’t even know she knew about it – she was two years old when I last put it on!) and I got a bit hooked again and played through it in Katamari Drive mode. Which is basically the same game as before, only you move a lot faster. This makes open levels with lots …

PixelJunk Monsters (PS3): COMPLETED!

Last time I completed a PS3 game, I asked “Now, what do I spend my remaining £3.80-ish on?”. Well, here’s the answer – PixelJunk Monsters. And, since it was really cheap, I got Hungry Giraffe too. And still have 22p left for Sony to steal. Over the last few weeks I’ve been playing Monsters off and on. Usually one level at a time, and usually this takes about 20-30 minutes. And you know what? It’s the best Tower Defence game …

Thomas Was Alone (PS3): COMPLETED!

Here’s something unusual – a PS3 game. A completed PS3 game at that. Haven’t had that in months! Thomas Was Alone was something I did want to play. I thought about getting it on Steam, but then I remembered – I don’t play PC games – so waited until a console release. Sadly, it only hit the PS3 (and Vita, I think), rather than any console I actually use, so I left it. Until I realised I had just over …

Tokyo Jungle (PS3)

Progress! After $hlmun attempts, I finally unlocked Beagle with my Cat. For the first time, I managed to get as far as the Beagle Boss without being eaten by some animal bigger and hungrier than me, and took him down. Hurrah! I also succeeded in unlocking the Rabbit by touching the Rabbit Boss with a chick. A chick! What a useless animal. With the Beagle, I’ve been merrily slaughtering the Retriever population of Shibuya, but have yet to encounter the …

Tokyo Jungle (PS3)

Now see here: I’m not happy about this being a PS3 exclusive, and worse – download only, but in times like this, I have no choice. Sure, I have to brave the PS3 controller, and yeah, it took three days to download on my terrible connection, but having seen it at Eurogamer it was a NEED. And it is totally nuts. It’s set in Tokyo after an as-yet unknown event whereby humankind were wiped out. You take control of an …

3D Dot Game Heroes (PS3)

Well looky this. Another PS3 game. My PS3 must think it’s Christmas or something. Little does it know I’m euthenising it come Boxing Day. Ho ho ho! Not really. If you’ve ever seen anything about 3D Dot Game Heroes, you’ll have noticed it bears more than a passing resemblance to Zelda. Albeit in fancy 3D block pixel form, anyway. Surely it doesn’t play like Zelda though? That would be a bit brazen. Oh. It plays like Zelda too, and not …

Stuff wot I are bin playing recently

Another round-up post, I’m afraid! Batman: Arkham City (PC) Despite the hassle it is to set up (all those cables and adapters and begging Windows to let audio go out the HDMI port please), and the fact it’s a PC game, I’m still enjoying it. It feels like driving a car when you know one of the wheels is going to fall off at some point. You enjoy the ride, but are on edge that at some point you could …

Journey (PS3): COMPLETED!

Never before have I played a game to completion, without any clue as to what the hell I’m supposed to be doing for pretty much the entire duration. And I certainly didn’t expect it to only take an hour to do so. Still – it was an experience, f’shaw. Here be spoilers: You start off on a sand dune. You’re some sort of girl (possibly) wearing a scarf. There’s a mountain in the distance which you have to walk to. …

Yakuza 3 (PS3): COMPLETED!

With just over 30 hours on the clock, and still lots of side missions, exploring, and so on to do, I completed Yakuza 3. It was really quite easy, but most excellent. I seem to have accumulated a massive pile of, well, stuff. Comfy soles. Platinum Nails. Assorted drinks, tools, bits of junk, and cuddly toys. Also some rare gems and what could be bits of weapons. Have I used any of them? No. In fact, apart from mission-based items and worms …

Noby Noby Boy (PS3)

“Play pilly game, Daddy” Yes – another game I was made to play. And no, I still have literally no idea what you’re supposed to do in it. But I was instructed to eat balls and flowers and plants and bikes and goats and everything. So I did. Does anyone know how you’re supposed to play? My daughter was quite happy with how I was doing, but I’m sure I’m missing something.

Yakuza 3 (PS3)

Forgive me if I was wrong, but I was expecting Yakuza 3 to be a violent look at the Japanese mafia families, and missions would be lots of punching, fighting, and so on. Perhaps with some nasty plot twists involving betrayal and murder. And blood. In fact, the stories of the first two games (which I haven’t played, but are included in video form in this game) would imply that I would be correct to assume Yakuza 3 would be …