Lego Jurassic World (PS4)

We have now 85% completed Lego Jurassic World. We’ve managed to pick up all of the red bricks, all the races, rescued all the workers, completed everything on all four game maps, and have most of the amber bricks within the levels. All the vehicles are unlocked, almost all the characters and dinosaurs are unlocked, and we “just” have to work through all the levels again mopping up the last few amber bricks and the majority of the minikits. Really …

Lego Jurassic World (PS4): COMPLETED!

My daughter loves Lego games and loves dinosaurs, so it was an obvious choice to get Lego Jurassic World at some point. Even if I do keep calling it Lego Jurassic Park. She’d not seen the films, but the game did mean she could watch the films without being too scared, and we have watched the first one now. One thing I hadn’t realised until we played this is how the T-Rex, rather than being the frightening terror she appears to …

Things I’ve been playing recently

Lazy round-up time! Puzzle & Dragons Z (3DS) I think this might be in my top three most played 3DS games now, and I’ve not even touched the Mario themed option. I got stuck on a boss, then powered through a few more levels, then got stuck on the previous boss again when she cropped up later with another monster at her side. Too hard. I’ve been trying lots of dragon combinations and came close once to besting them, but …

Lego The Hobbit (Wii U): COMPLETED!

And that’s another Lego game done. Not 100%, yet, but the story is complete. Like Lego Marvel Super Heroes, I completed it in co-op with my daughter, but we found it somewhat shorter than that game. There’s obviously a lot to do still, not least with the new mechanic of finding “loot” (like ingots and wood) with which to make stuff. This time round, there’s even more reason to smash all the things. The plot was sort of how I …