deKay's Lofi Gaming

Little Inferno (Steam Deck): COMPLETED!

Is this the third platform I’ve played and 100%ed this on now? Probably. It’s still great. I suppose I’d not realised before but Little Inferno is really “just” a simple clicker game. You buy things to make money (by, er, burning them), with which to buy more things. Which you then also burn. There’s a checklist of combinations of two or three things to burn together for extra kudos, and a story about the world getting colder all the time, …

Record of Lodoss War: Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth (Switch): COMPLETED!

Well look at this – it’s another Metroidvania game that I’m playing. Only this one is based on a series of Japanese books (I think!) and looks a lot like Touhou Luna Nights. Not least because it’s running on seemingly the same engine and is by the same team. And it’s really good! Whereas Touhou Luna Nights “borrowed” the bullet grazing mechanic from the Touhou shooters, in Deedlit there’s a Radiant Silvergun-style colour swap system, where you flick between fire …

Little Big Planet 3 (PS4): COMPLETED!

I don’t know where I got this. PS+, perhaps? I certainly would never have bought it what with not really liking the first game. Oh sure, it was clever and it looked pretty and you could make your own levels, but they forgot to make it controllable and fun and the physics are all over the place and the moving in and out of the screen is hit and miss. But they’ll have fixed that two sequels later, right? Right? …

Spider Solitaire (Switch): COMPLETED!

No, I didn’t cop out and “just complete a game of Patience”. Well, I did complete it, but only after more than FIVE HUNDRED attempts over more than thirty hours play. There are three modes – one with all the cards being the same suit, one with them being one of two suits, and one with all four suits. I completed the first two within a couple of goes each, but the four suit mode? Aw hell no. So, if …

Doki Doki Literature Club (Mac): COMPLETED!

A lot of people have written a lot about this game already, and aside from the general sentiment that You Must Play It and the knowledge that Something Dark Happens And Then It All Goes Sideways, I’ve managed to avoid all spoilers and plot points. So I won’t be sharing them here. All I will say is the same as I knew going into the game: Doki Doki Literature Club is a visual novel about a literature appreciation club in …

Secret Little Haven (Mac): COMPLETED!

Secret Little Haven is a visual novel type game that plays out in the form of an AOL Messenger style chat application, a little like Emily Is Away. You’re Alex, a fan of a Japanese Sailor Moon type anime and you take part in his interactions with friends in real life, from a fan forum, and his dad. Alex isn’t happy for a number of reasons, but centrally he doesn’t identify as male, and part of the game how he, …

Little Inferno (Wii U): COMPLETED! (again)

Having got to the end of it last time, I found there was an item I’d burnt along with everything else in the game which is needed for something right near the end. So, naturally, this meant I had to play the entire game all over again, from start to finish, retaining that item. It was actually quite hard to do, as I very nearly absentmindedly chucked it on the pire by mistake, and my daughter decided to be “helpful” …

Little Inferno (Wii U): COMPLETED!

Is this a review? Yes. Probably. It’s hard to review a game that isn’t a game though. I’ll try. Little Inferno is a toy. Sure, there’s an end, and yes, it has some (very minor, almost optional) gameplay components, but you don’t die and all you need to complete it is time. In this toy, you burn things. All the things. You’re provided with a Little Inferno fireplace, some money and a catalogue, from which you order things to burn. …

Little Big Planet (PS3): COMPLETED!

By “completed”, I mean, I’ve finished all the story levels and beaten the end boss. I know there are more challenges, and 96898621504588 user made levels, and hidden stuff, and things to collect and all that sort of thing, but no – I’ve had enough. It wasn’t terrible, but as a game (rather than a tool), it was all a bit lacking. The into and out of the screen moving, the strange jumping physics, the wonky collision detection, and the …


The level before the final boss was a real pain. Lots of sweeping lights, most of which need to be turned off as well as on, and many only just in reach (meaning a million accidental I-walked-too-far deaths). Needless to say, I was relieved when it was over. And then the final boss. He was… reasonably easy. He’s the only boss where the entire fight requires pixel-perfect positioning and exact timing, all at speed. Thankfully, I realised you don’t have …

Lit (Wii)

Spent most of today’s play trying to beat the Gym boss. It didn’t help that every time he threw a ball at me, all I could think of was “BOMBARDMENT!”. And he was hard. I’m pretty sure the main reason I managed to beat him was by fluke.

Lit (Wii)

I’ve been playing this quite a lot over the last week or so. I saw the (short and uninformative) trailer a while ago and thought it looked good, but didn’t really know what to expect in terms of gameplay. Turns out it’s great! It’s sort of the opposite of my least favourite sort of game ever – stealth. Instead of staying hidden in the dark, you have to stay in the light, lighting areas of the room to reach the …