deKay's Lofi Gaming

Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown (Switch): COMPLETED!

I have mentioned many times here how I do like a good (or even, a fair-to-middling) Metroidvania game. So when I discovered that the already great looking Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown was such a game in that genre, I leapt on the demo and was so struck by it I did a very rare thing – I bought an actual physical copy. It’s really good. It does all the great things Metroidvanias do, by giving you additional powers …

Prince of Persia Classic (Demo) (360)

This was new up on XBLA today, so I had a go of the demo. It’s good. In that it’s faithful to the original (with new graphics and slightly easier gameplay), but I never really liked the original all that much as it was too hard. As a result, I’m a bit confused as to whether I should buy it or not. If it was 400 points, then yes – I’d give it a go, but at 800 and with …

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC): COMPLETED!

Thank god for that. I was getting so angry with it, what with all the bugs and everything. I’ve just pleased it is now all over and done with. I’d like to play the third Prince of Persia game now, but only if it’s bug-free, and more like the first game than this one. Anyway, it seems that killing Kaileena was the end of the game. I was convinced I’d have to kill the Dahaka afterwards, but it seems not. …

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC)

I’m really, really getting annoyed with this game now. Mainly the bugs (more on one of them in a bit), but also with the irritating way you have to redo large sections of the game for a second, and even third time. Even more if you count the Past and Present “versions” of areas. Who decided that would be a good idea? So a minor couple of bugs at first. Well, I say minor, but they’re actually game destroying fall-in-pit-don’t-die-quit …

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC)

That bit in the tomb with the Dahaka is a bit of a pain, isn’t it? It didn’t help that my sand wasn’t working AT ALL for this section. You basically run round three different route, being chased, and end up back in the same tomb each time. You then pull a switch each time too, and stuff moves, and then you run off again. Although you can’t save for any of it, if you die, you’re only returned to …

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC)

Finally managed to get past the Bugged Spikey Pits of Oblivion on my way out of the Clockwork Tower (although I did fall in once, and again, couldn’t get out). Got back to the Central Hall, and the woman in red gave me another sword. Then it was off to the other tower – the Water Tower. First, it was through some area with hanging gardens in it. I was stuck there for a while trying to figure out how …

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC)

Progressed quite a bit further today, getting past the spikes that had “killed” me previously, going back into the present, running from the Dahaka (I hate those bits) and returning to the past again. There, I started doing some of the clock tower thingy, and then had another big golem to kill. I found that you can dodge him grabbing you when you’re on his back my pressing A or X and left or right, which made killing him a …

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC)

Haven’t played this in a while, and it really showed when I started it up again today. I seemed to have forgotten most of the controls, and kept falling off ledges, taking my sword out instead of running up walls, and generally acting like my controller was back to front. Eventually got it sussed, and got past where I was previously (somewhere in the clock tower). I then had another huge baddie to kill, although he was the same as …

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC)

Either I’m just rubbish, or there’s really no proper way of telling which way you’re supposed to go in this game half the time. You go through the same rooms so many times that it’s easy to get lost. And lost I got, and after twenty minutes of going in the wrong direction I realised I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to and so reloaded an earlier saved game. Then I found the Woman in Red again, got a …

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC)

You know, I’m just not enjoying this as much as Sands of Time. I don’t know why. It isn’t anything specific, it’s just that there’s a load of small niggles and issues I’m having with it which together just makes it feel, well, wrong. Managed to get past the room I kept falling down holes on last time I played, only to run into the Dahaka, and then run from him. This took multiple attempts, as it’s like a speed …

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC)

This is one of those games that’s kind of difficult to describe where I’ve got to in it, especially since there’s some backtracking (albeit in different time zones). Got past the bit I was stuck in before, and moved on through more traps and stuff to a circular area where the almost nude woman in leather was fighting a remarkably similar looking almost nude woman in a red almost-dress. I’m guessing at this point that the woman in leather is …

Prince of Persia: Warrior Within (GC)

Oooh. He’s so dark. And he has attitude. And stubble. And a scar! Wow. And he swears. A bit. Well, he says “You bitch!”. I’m not really sure what to make of it so far. I’ve got off the beach, into the big building thing, fought a man-made-of-evil-ravens, killed some pigmen things, got warped into the past and evaded a load of spiky spinny things. It’s much like the original, only with less “here is a platformy bit” then “here …