deKay's Lofi Gaming

Things I’ve been playing recently

Roundup! Mega Man 7 (Wii U) It’s been a few months since I started Mega Man 7. I think, after ploughing through Mega Mans 1-6 I may have had a bit of Mega Man burnout, and I was a bit disappointed with 7 anyway as it didn’t feel right. Anyway, I’m back on it now and have taken down the first lot of four Robot Masters. I’m enjoying it, and it does feel more like the NES games than it …

Completed 2015

Fantasy Life (3DS 03/01/2015) Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure (Wii U 20/01/2015) The Starship Damrey (3DS 21/01/2015) SteamWorld Dig (Wii U 30/01/2015) Picross e5 (3DS 31/01/2015) Weapon Shop de Omasse (3DS 04/02/2015) 3D Afterburner II (3DS 06/02/2015) Shovel Knight (Wii U 09/02/2015) Another World: 20th Anniversary Edition (Wii U 10/02/2015) 3D Fantasy Zone (3DS 15/02/2015) Rock Boshers DX (Vita 17/02/2015) Mario Golf: World Tour (3DS 19/02/2015) Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (360 20/02/2015) Pokémon Shuffle (3DS 28/02/2015) Assassin’s Creed: Rogue …

Things I’ve been playing recently

A lot of things, it seems. I’ve had a glut of new games over the last month and I’ve been playing each for a short time. I’ve yet to settle down and just work on one or two, so I’ve not made much progress in each. So here’s a list, in no particular order: Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition (Vita) My subscription to PS+ was autorenewed before I could cancel it (the whole service got DDOS’d and I couldn’t log …

Earthbound (Wii U)

Even though I was all over this several months ago, I stopped playing. Not because I was bored with it, but I got stuck. I couldn’t get much further than the pencil bit – the enemies were just too hard, and I died $hlmun times. But, with Backlog Fighter still in full effect, I returned to it a week or so ago and did that bit on my first go with no difficulty whatsoever. The game was back on. Woo! …

Eurogamer 2012

I haven’t been to a proper games show since, ooh, 2001? 2002? Whenever it was I went to ECTS, anyway. Ah, ECTS. Games show for people who like Gran Turismo 3 and steering wheels, and not much else. Good times. What did I think of the games? Well, a quick run through: New Super Mario Bros U (Wii U) Awesome. Going to be excellent playing this with my daughter on the screen. Sure, it’s mostly more of the same as …

Super Scribblenauts (DS): COMPLETED!

Despite enjoying the original Scribblenauts, I didn’t buy the sequel (until I saw it for a fiver in Morrisons this week) for several reasons. Firstly, the later levels on the original were too hard. Not hard to find the items you have to draw, but more hard because of the fiddly controls (mainly moving Maxwell) and trying not to knock stuff over or position things slightly wrongly. There were also a lot of platforming sections, or “peril” situations where it …

DLC Quest (360): COMPLETED!

I don’t buy many XBLIGs (that’s Xbox Live Indie Games, in case you didnae know). However, this one called out to me. The main selling point? A review that stated that the entire game was DLC. “You can’t even move left, or jump, or have sound effects, until you’ve bought the DLC”. Of course, the DLC is bought using in-game money, which you collect – platform game style – to progress. There’s some swording and (with the right DLC) some …

Metal Slug (Wii): COMPLETED!

I had a bit of a spending spree in town today, and bought 6 Wii games. One of which was SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1, and on that (amongst other things) was Metal Slug. Lovely, lovely Metal Slug. Being the original, of course, it’s nowhere near as funny (or outright silly) as the later games – no aliens or zombies here. It was also a lot easier than I remember the series being too, because although I used a few …

Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare (360)

I bought this DLC pack over Christmas when it was on offer. Some time before actually buying the main game, in fact – so interested in playing it I was. And now I’ve played it for a couple of hours or so. Sadly, I’m not really enjoying it all that much. I don’t know why – the story is funny and it’s still RDR – but it’s just not all there. Maybe it’s the headshot-to-kill issue (if you don’t shoot …

Completed 2011

A World of Keflings (360 01/01/2011) Sonic Adventure (360 05/01/2011) Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga (360 15/01/2011) Professor Layton and the Lost Future (DS 09/02/2011) Detana!! TwinBee (360 19/02/2011) TwinBee (360 27/02/2011) Red Dead Redemption (360 03/03/2011) Sonic the Hedgehog (DS 06/03/2011) Pac-Man Championship Edition DX (360 13/03/2011) X-Men (360 10/04/2011) Pilotwings Resort (3DS 10/04/2011) Metal Slug (Wii 14/04/2011) Onechanbara: Bikini Zombie Slayers (Wii 14/04/2011) Burning Fight (Wii 15/04/2011) Magician Lord (Wii 15/04/2011) Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii 19/04/2011) …

Tales of Monkey Island: Chapter 5: Rise of the Pirate God (Wii): COMPLETED!

And that’s the 5-part series over and done. Sam & Max Season 2 can’t come soon enough! Although the final part was great (as always) in terms of story, it was horribly broken in terms of graphics. Many people have commented that the Wii ports of Monkey Island have all been affected by bugs, stuttering, poor sound, and so on, but aside from a bit of judder on Chapter 1 when changing scene, I’d not noticed. In this one, however, …

Little King’s Story (Wii)

Still working through this, a bit each day (well, most days), and I’m now just over 24 hours in. I’ve defeated the three kings in and around Skull Plains, and now have to make my assault on the New Island, which is full of really, really difficult baddies. I also made the mistake earlier of walking into a zombie trap. They closed the way out behind me, I couldn’t warp back to the castle, and you can’t kill them all …

Lots of Homebrew Wii Stuff (Wii)

I checked the Homebrew Downloader today for the first time in ages, and found all sorts of new stuff on there. WiiLander was great – it’s an old game, sure, but with the Wii’s controls (tilt left and right to steer, rotate remote to provide more or less thrust) it plays very differently. Giddy 3 is a Dizzy clone, and although it looks nice the only item I could find to pick up was a tub of lard, and I …

Half-Life 2: Episode Two (360)

So I came out of the bit I was in, found a car (which required completion of a see-saw puzzle – a HUGE see-saw puzzle), and then Alyx and I set off for The White Forest again, without the Vortigaunt. I was worried the car bit was going to be like the car bit from Half Life 2, but thankfully was far less annoying. Partly because I can run zombies down in it. Ace! Then I found an old building …